Vehicle Operator Salary in Nebraska

The average Vehicle Operator salary in Nebraska is $27,905. The salary range for a Vehicle Operator is usually between $26,634 and $30,633 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $32,342. The average hourly pay for a Vehicle Operator is $13.42 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Vehicle Operator job in Nebraska is University Of Nebraska with an average salary as high as $29,445.

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Nebraska Vehicle Operator Salary Lookup
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Vehicle Operator Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Vehicle Operator and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
North Dakota$1441
New Mexico$31,98815
New York$74,69615
South Carolina$36,83729

Top Paid Vehicle Operator in Nebraska

Ruth Herman E
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Ruth Herman ENENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Ruth Herman E
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Ruth Herman ENENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Ricky Hofeling R
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Ricky Hofeling RNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Librado Lopez
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Librado LopezNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Librado Lopez
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Librado LopezNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Ricky Hofeling R
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Ricky Hofeling RNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Librado Lopez
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Librado LopezNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Mary Poole-Balsano
University of Nebraska Medical Center, NE
Mary Poole-BalsanoNEUniversity of Nebraska Medical CenterView Details
Ricky Hofeling R
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Ricky Hofeling RNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Lopez Librado
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Lopez LibradoNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Librado Lopez
Health & Human Services - Agency 25, NE
Librado LopezNEHealth & Human Services - Agency 25View Details
Mary Poole-Balsano
Nebraska University, NE
Mary Poole-BalsanoNENebraska UniversityView Details
Randy Blazek S
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Randy Blazek SNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Ricky Hofeling R
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Ricky Hofeling RNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Mary Pruch
University of Nebraska, NE
Mary PruchNEUniversity of NebraskaView Details
Librado Lopez
Health & Human Services - Agency 25, NE
Librado LopezNEHealth & Human Services - Agency 25View Details
Ricky Hofeling R
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, NE
Ricky Hofeling RNENebraska Department of Health and Human ServicesView Details
Mary Pruch
University of Nebraska, NE
Mary PruchNEUniversity of NebraskaView Details
Librado Lopez
Health & Human Services - Agency 25, NE
Librado LopezNEHealth & Human Services - Agency 25View Details
Ricky Hofeling R
Health & Human Services - Agency 25, NE
Ricky Hofeling RNEHealth & Human Services - Agency 25View Details
Nebraska Vehicle Operator Salary Lookup