Vehicle Operator Salary in New York

The average Vehicle Operator salary in New York is $69,202. The salary range for a Vehicle Operator is usually between $63,295 and $92,392 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $111,069. The average hourly pay for a Vehicle Operator is $33.27 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Vehicle Operator job in New York is Metropolitan Transportation Authority with an average salary as high as $80,419.

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New York Vehicle Operator Salary Lookup
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Vehicle Operator Salary in States

Select a state to view specific salary for Vehicle Operator and other interesting information

StateAverage SalaryRecords Number
North Dakota$1441
New Mexico$31,98815
New York$74,69615
South Carolina$36,83729

Top Paid Vehicle Operator in New York

Paul Sellers S
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Paul Sellers SNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Timothy Price T
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Timothy Price TNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Gary Schnetzler J
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Gary Schnetzler JNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Alejandro Tirado
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Alejandro Tirado NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Horace Moulton A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Horace Moulton ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Reuben Simmons E Sr
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Reuben Simmons E SrNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Phillip McKenzie A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Phillip McKenzie ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
James Burton M
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
James Burton MNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Ernest Pantori
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Ernest Pantori NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Donald Larrow A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Donald Larrow ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Donald Larrow A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Donald Larrow ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Ernest Pantori Jr
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Ernest Pantori JrNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Phillip McKenzie A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Phillip McKenzie ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Levi Foskey
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Levi Foskey NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
George Johnson M Jr
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
George Johnson M JrNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Tony Scarogni
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Tony Scarogni NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Thomas Lennon S
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Thomas Lennon SNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
Harvey Samuel A
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
Harvey Samuel ANYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
George Johnson M
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
George Johnson MNYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
David Oleynik
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NY
David Oleynik NYMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityView Details
New York Vehicle Operator Salary Lookup