Correction Specialist Salary in Ohio

The average Correction Specialist salary in Ohio is $87,348. The salary range for a Correction Specialist is usually between $73,575 and $91,781 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $156,107. The average hourly pay for a Correction Specialist is $41.99 per hour.

The employer paying the highest salary for a Correction Specialist job in Ohio is Rehabilitation and Corrections with an average salary as high as $79,096.

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Ohio Correction Specialist Salary Lookup
Average Salary
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Top Paying Employers for Correction Specialist Jobs

EmployerAverage Salary
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH$79,096

Correction Specialist Salary in States

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Top Paid Correction Specialist in Ohio

Leah Bobb-Itt
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Leah Bobb-IttOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Nicholas Emmons
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Nicholas EmmonsOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Michael Reger
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Michael RegerOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Jason Michel
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Jason MichelOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Clark Shane
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Clark ShaneOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Janet Smith
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Janet SmithOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Hernandez Juan
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Hernandez JuanOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Lora Stotts
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Lora StottsOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Richard Dailey
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Richard DaileyOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Jennifer Risinger S
Rehabilitation And Corrections, OH
Jennifer Risinger SOHRehabilitation And CorrectionsView Details
Kendra Knapp
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Kendra KnappOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Alex Figueiredo
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Alex FigueiredoOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Lowery Felepa
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Lowery FelepaOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Frederick Young
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Frederick YoungOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Marc Stanley H
Rehabilitation And Corrections, OH
Marc Stanley HOHRehabilitation And CorrectionsView Details
Clyde Spencer
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Clyde SpencerOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Jason Heard
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Jason HeardOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Rachel Huff
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
Rachel HuffOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Timothy Prushing L
Rehabilitation And Corrections, OH
Timothy Prushing LOHRehabilitation And CorrectionsView Details
James Kennard
Rehabilitation and Corrections, OH
James KennardOHRehabilitation and CorrectionsView Details
Ohio Correction Specialist Salary Lookup